The virtual game is published by the independent development company GIANTS from Schlieren near Zurich, Switzerland. GIANTS will release version 22 of Farming Simulator at the 22nd of November, 2021. The upcoming release covers many innovations, not the least of which is the addition of silage additives. Namely, BONSILAGE®!

Users can exclusively apply our silage inoculants in the new version of the game! Our products are the first silage additives ever to be included in the game. Thus, the Farming Simulator gets more realistic than ever before. Fill the applicators with BONSILAGE to improve the outcome of your silage. Just like real life!

Do you want to get a first look at FARMING SIMULATOR 22?
Watch the video here:

If you have further questions regarding our products or our cooperation, please contact our consultants HERE.

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With our headquarter in Minneapolis, PROVITA SUPPLEMENTS Inc. is the company behind BONSILAGE in the US. Besides our global network and German base, BONSILAGE USA is offering and promoting forage inoculants directly to farms in the US.

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