Our silage expert: Scott Ingham

Scott has worked with cattle his entire life, growing up in Texas, and now his lifetime of experience pays off for our customers. His job is all things silage, and it shows. 

  • How did you get into ag?
    Growing up in the Texas Panhandle, ag is just going to be a part of your life. Living in one of the largest cattle and farming areas of Texas, I was introduced to cattle by my Grandpa who raised registered Limousine cattle. I worked in his hay fields and then raised homestead animals on our property.


  • What’s your specific area of expertise?
    My area of expertise would be more on the financial side of the industry, having worked in a bank for 8 years on the ag sideWith my years of training and a great support team here at bonsilage, I’ve added silage and silage management to my resume. 


  •  How long have you been with bonsilage/PROVITA SUPPLEMENTS?
     I signed my acceptance letter with the company in January of 2019. Its been a great journey so far.


  • Describe what you do at bonsilage/PROVITA SUPPLEMENTS.
    As a territory salesman for Texas and New Mexico my job is all things silage. It goes above and beyond just selling a great product. I also monitor the chopping, pile construction, packing, sampling and helping our producers maximize their investment into their feed. We are also here to help them work through any issues that may arise on the farm, from crops to cattle, that we feel we can be of help with.


  • What’s the best part of your job?
    The customers, hands down. They become friends and some even like family. The trust they give to me and our product is something I’ll never take for granted and it’s a joy watching them prosper and grow in this industry. I’ve been able to watch a new generation of dairy farmers start to take over the business and the little kids grow up on the farm. I also greatly enjoy the fact that I can take my kids with me when they are out of school.  


  • What are the questions you’re asked most by customers?
    Why is our product better and what can we do for their operation?Scott in the field


  • How do you know when a customer is satisfied?
    Most producers will verbally express their satisfaction.


  • What are you doing this time of the year?
    This time of the year I am prospecting, working on new leads via social media, pulling silage samples and meeting with all our customers.  


  • What do you do for fun?
    My job is really fun, and I actually enjoy it almost all the time! In my spare time I really enjoy working on old vehicles, mostly International Harvesters, hunting with my son and friends and spending time with my wife and kids.  


  • The Final Word from Scott
    Joining this team was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The support they provide to me and our customers goes above and beyond what most companies do. Their goal is to help me be successful and to become an asset to our producers.

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