Our BONSILAGE® forage specialist Caitlin Mellinger broadcast her expertise about driving fermentation through effective silage additives. Therefore, farmers can not only increase yields, but ensure good nutritive value in their silage.

Click below to listen to Caitlin’s NAFB segment!


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Not All Strains Are Created Equally. Neither are inoculants.

A successful management plan for silage should include the use of a research-proven inoculant. But with so many options available, choosing that inoculant can be a daunting task. How do you know you’re using the right product for the task?

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NAFB: Best Practices for High-Moisture Corn Management

High-moisture corn offers many benefits to producers, but there are a few key factors to keep in mind if you incorporate it on your farm. Forage Specialist, Caitlin Mellinger, joins NAFB to share tips for high-moisture corn.

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Cover Crops and Silage Quality

Cover crops can improve silage quality and yields, but the benefits might not be as direct as you think.

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