BONSILAGE inoculant development is a nine-step process that backs the product with both science and real-life trials. If you would like to get these information on hand as a PDF-file, just click here:



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What To Consider When Planting Corn

Corn silage is the most important energy source in dairy rations in the US. The stover fraction of the plant provides mostly digestible fiber and physically effective fiber, which is essential for rumen health and function. The kernel fraction provides mostly starch, an energetic dense nutrient that boosts milk production.

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Chop-down your long-term work with these daily post-chopping routines

A little extra effort at the end of each chopping day can save you a lot of work tomorrow. Read our end-of-day chopping tips here!

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Defining Corn Silage Quality

Quality forages drive production, but how do we define the quality of corn silage? There is no one answer to this question. In fact, there are several considerations to keep in mind when it comes to measuring the quality of corn silage. Read below to learn more about the factors we consider when measuring corn silage quality, including energy content.

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