Recapping World Dairy Expo 2022

World Dairy Expo 2022 is in the rear-view mirror, but it’s never too late to emphasize what a great, productive time we had in Madison!

This year’s WDE was special for BONSILAGE because our team in Germany was finally able to visit the U.S. again to work directly with the domestic team. They visited some farms and, most importantly, meet and chat with customers.

We also unveiled our new WDE booth, which we’re proud to show off here. Clients could smell the optimal fermentation profiles of grass and corn silages treated with BONSILAGE. Our silage experts were excited to see everyone who visited the booth, answer their questions and, hopefully, set them on the path to better silage and happy, happy cows!

Here are some insights:

It was a busy week for everyone (especially Jan!), but we’re already looking forward to next year. Make your plans to see us in 2023!

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NAFB: Reducing Feed Costs with Alfalfa and Grass Haylage

Due to their high protein content, alfalfa and grass haylages are a staple on dairies. But growing these silages comes with certain challenges.

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Fertilizer Prep From The Ground, Up

Planting season is coming, which means that fertilizing season is almost here. But it’s not as simple as applying fertilizer, is it? Here are some tips for making sure your fertilizer application starts on solid ground. 

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Controlling the Uncontrollable

BONSILAGE FORTE treated alfalfa silage can withstand challenges that become out of control.

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