bonsilage SPEED C WS

The specialist for reduced silo ripening time of silages

Large Can

1000 treated tons (tt) FM

Small Can

200 treated tons (tt) FM


The special combination of homo- and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains of bonsilage SPEED C ensures intensive fermentation in corn and sorghum silages during the first few weeks of ensiling. The entirely new heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria strain Lactobacillus diolivorans is exclusive to PROVITA SUPPLEMENTS.


  • Lb. diolivorans is an entirely new heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria with a unique metabolism and fermentation pathways.
  • Lb. diolivorans reduces the silo ripening time to a minimum, also ensuring lowest losses and highest energy content.
  • Lb. buchneri reliably inhibits yeasts and molds which reduces the risk of reheating and shrinkage.
  • bonsilage SPEED C ensures an intensive fermentation during the first few weeks of ensiling and improves the aerobic stability.

Biological and water soluble silage additive

Small container (200 g) will treat 200 tons FM forage

At least 300,000 CFU/g fresh matter (FM) of forage

  • Corn and Sorghum Silage: 28-45% DM
  • HMC/Snaplage: 55-75% DM

Selected strains of homo- and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria

Lactobacillus buchneri, Lactobacillus diolivorans, Pediococcus acidilactici and dextrose

Lactic acid bacteria not less than 2.72 x 1011 CFU/g product

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