In this interview, you’ll hear Caitlin discuss common challenges she hears when meeting with producers across the country and the role silage inoculants like BONSILAGE FORTE can play in this conversation.

Listen to the full interview here:

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Mitigate The High Prices That Come With Drought

With drought comes higher prices for everything on the farm. How can you grow your own forages to prepare for a potential dry period?

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Winter Safety Tips Around the Farm

We all know that there’s never an “offseason” on the farm. Even deep into the heart of winter, there is always work to do: Animals to feed, plans to make, paths to shovel.

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Nothing Beats a Good Cover

Protect your silage harvest with a good plastic cover. Here’s why: A high-yielding harvest is the ideal goal for any farmer, but when it comes to silage, harvest is only half the battle. Once you have your pile planned and in place, you need to keep your silage safe and nutritious for your animals. Using the proper covering is the primary way to do so.

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